Ujevwu Train Station
Corruption is endemic in Nigeria. True, and we are all part of the problems.
At Ujevwu, the ticket racketeering is costing
An experience with the Police
A lost phone brings tremendous inconveniences. Getting the police involved adds more to the cost and with really no value
We are the world’s best farmers
“ I will like to farm”
“There’s no problem with that mate, plenty of land to choose from. I mean acres
Had I flinched, when I should have scurried…
I narrowly escaped being killed, in the hands of the same uniformed men that had killed Dele Udoh 4 years
“Mami Wata”, a broken phone and a Bay
We had left the pointed tip at the Devil Creek where many wannabe fishermen would have launched their boats, dinghies
I arrive Apata Ganga out of rebellion, a rebellion against a career path that would have seen me become a
Tales By Moonlight – 3 Short Stories
Story 3: YEAA – Release Barrabas but kill Jesus In the first tale, I told you about the gap-toothed throne
Tales by moonlight: 3 short stories
Story 2: Let there be light No where were the words found in the Book of Prophet Bob Marley 2:
Moses’ Dilemma
There is just enough in Nigeria’s past to account for our current leadership issues.
These three stories are crafted from actual