The journey of a thousand miles, they say, begins with a step. So, after much dragging of feet, I began a new phase in my educational pursuit, the quest for a doctorate degree.
There is corruption in high places and we are all afraid to resist it because doing so often comes at a cost. Youthfulness and idealism were helpful in my saying No.
Someone has put it simply - we all want to be a Diamond but do not want to be cut!
Whoever compromised the email had also been able to access Kila's eBay account. Using the stolen information, over the course of six months, they ordered various goods – from exotic perfumes and wristwatches to iPhones – all delivered to different addresses while being charged to Kila's PayPal account.
A few metres ahead of us are the pine trees, which with the huge mountain backdrop is probably the reason why this area is popular with many visitors. It was cold and there are little sheets of ice on the wooden bridge calling for extreme caution as we walked. Looking up at the mountain, one could see scattered white coverings being the snow flakes as they glitter in the morning sun. Also adding to the beauty is the waterfall high up the mountain. A tree lay on the floor with its root intact somehow depicting it was hewn next to which is the wooden chair for visitors to sit and absorb the beauty of nature, undisturbed.
The acceptance of one aspect of Paul's teachings (against LGBTQ+) while disregarding another (support for slavery) highlights the flawed nature of selective interpretation and the need for a more comprehensive understanding of scripture in its historical and cultural context.
It is a Yoruba adage that says "You will grow old but you'll not experience Evil, you just have to choose one"
As we grow old, the sicknesses that define our mortality start showing their faces.
A lover of Jesus Christ, a caring husband of one wife and a father diligent on raising future leaders.
A Citizen of the world - a Senior Project Professional and an aspiring Senator